Monday 7 July 2014

Last week at work

I have been very quiet the last month... I think it's just baby prep and nerves that have sent me into a hiding hole. This is my last week at work. Excited to be finishing work and too have next week to myself to rest and mentally prepare for my little girls arrival!!! 

This week at work I just want to finialise small things. Also I'm seriously considering silencing all my work related email, group chat etc while I'm on maternity!!! Seriously don't want my work  bothering me with crap while on taking care of a newborn!! :( And of course I've been pinning to my hearts content :D So many cute ideas for my little girl! 

This is the hospital photo I plan on introducing her to the world with! (Of course, mamas going to take her red lipstick with!)

I'd love this in her nursery wall, if I could just find the decal!

Beside the niceties of being a new mommy, I'm also dealing with the admin... Claiming UIF is effort. The queues are ridiculous so I'm seriously considering using a UIF claim service. I hope it's legit and that I'm not going to be ripped off but at this point I'm willing to try anything so that I don't have to stand in those queues.... I'll let you know how it goes :D At least everything with my medical aid is in order so I can relax about that.

Now just the wait.....

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